We are a boutique orientation and mobility firm helping individuals with vision loss and blindness access their environments. We work with individuals, school districts, cities, counties, and other entities to increase accessibility to the built environment. We put our vision, dreams, and challenges into actions that meet our clients’ needs.

Orientation and Mobility services
In Focus Mobility makes valuable connections with individuals, agencies, and organizations to provide numerous orientation and mobility services to individuals with visual impairments to benefit them as they expand their ability to effectively travel within their environments such as residential, commercial, and business. Our expansive, quality Orientation and Mobility evaluations enable us to tailor and individualize plans of action for each client.
Throughout the time services are rendered clients are continuously informally observed and progress is reviewed. Goals that are emergent, development, generalized, or, mastery are reviewed with varying degrees of intensity. Goals that require further development are presented in modalities that are preferred and provide the client with meaningful and engaging content. We consider best practices our standard and provide a valuable asset to agencies, organizations, and individuals.
In Focus Mobility develops and implements workshops. We engage in community outreach through the facilitation of interactive, engaging, and meaningful content. Topics range from methods to increase accessibility to public transit, accessibility to the built environment, accessibility for all users in connected and autonomous vehicles, and equity indicators for vulnerable pedestrians.
Environmental Analysis
In Focus Mobility provides a valuable service to individuals and agencies by analyzing the built environment and presenting valuable recommendations to increase accessibility for vulnerable road users. Best practices are used as standard practice to address the needs of non-motorized users. In collaboration with Physical Engineers and other staff, treatment options are presented to strengthen the innovation ecosystem.
In Focus Mobility, in collaboration with stakeholders and strategic partners strives to establish strategic priorities to create built environments that reflect equity indicators and are born accessible. Best practices are standard practice to address requests for Accessible Pedestrian Signals and other treatments. In concert with thought leaders, we facilitate recommendations for transportation hubs and public transit emphasizing universal design. Our valuable deliverables create many layers of inclusivity and equitable access to the built environment.

Research Consultant
In Focus Mobility provides a valuable service to agencies and institutions in a systematic approach of sharing their knowledge and accessibility expertise. Inquisitive and inquiring questions are asked of any research statements that have conscious or unconscious bias. Resources and literature that substantiates best practices are presented to the research team. By identifying and addressing compliance and accommodation needs for vulnerable road users, the pace of change should be inclusive, seamless, and accessible to all. In Focus Mobility brings to the forefront any barriers, exclusivity, and blurring of equivalent facilitation.
In Focus Mobility, in collaboration with strategic partners strives to establish research problem statements and requests for proposals that reflect equity indicators and are born accessible. Guidance from best practices are standard practice to work In concert with thought leaders, we facilitate components of research plans such as mobility as a service, micro-mobility, connected and automated vehicles and transformative technology that emphasizes universal design. Our valuable deliverables create many layers of inclusivity and equitable access to many components of the built environment.
In Focus Mobility facilitates and implements workshops, webinars, and other interactive, educational programs. We engage in community outreach through the facilitation of interactive, engaging, and meaningful content. Topics range from methods to increase accessibility to public transit, accessibility to the built environment, accessibility for all users in connected and autonomous vehicles, and equity indicators for vulnerable pedestrians.
In Focus Mobility develops the scope of a professional development series, webinar, or workshop During its creation we adapt and collaborate with stakeholders to ensure that it meets their expectations. We create a positive and supportive climate, demonstrating compassion for others when communicating and demonstrating an inclusive environment. Our global and intuitive thinking enables us to be empathetic and flexible when presenting our knowledge to diverse learners.